I downloaded the Internet Explorer 7 public beta this week and installed it on a couple of my Windows XP machines. Here's the short review: IE7 is a superb piece of software. If Mozilla hadn't caught Microsoft sitting complacently on its corporate butt, Firefox would never have had a chance against this product. Even so, Firefox still has one advantage, achieved with the help of its high profile and market momentum during the past 15 months, that will keep Internet Explorer stuck on the B-team. It's an advantage that probably will not drive same market-share gains against IE 7 that Firefox has enjoyed to date, yet it will ensure that Mozilla and Firefox remain significant players, with a meaningful market share and a loyal, tech-savvy, and demographically attractive user base..Read on over here.
Internet Explorer 7 vs Firefox
Posted on Sunday, February 05 2006 @ 21:44 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck