"If Apple decides to open the Mac OS to others, we would be happy to offer it to our customers," Dell wrote in an email. It's the first time any PC industry executive has openly shown enthusiasm for selling machines with Apple's software. Though that's all Dell would say for the record, I suspect his interest is not unknown to Jobs. So, as I said in this column last week (and in an article in the new issue of FORTUNE), the ball is in Jobs' court.However, Apple currently has no plans to license its operating system. The x86 version of Mac OS X will solely run on Mac hardware, and not on non-Mac other systems (unless someone cracks the protection). More details at Fortune
Dell wants to sell Apple PCs
Posted on Friday, June 17 2005 @ 0:20 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
Michael Dell said his company is interested in shipping PCs with Apple's Mac OS, in case Apple ever plans to license it to PC companies: