Intel NUC 12 Extreme Dragon Canyon Mini PC: A Fire-Breathing Little Beast Review
Posted on 2022-03-01 21:30:17 by Thomas De MaesschalckWhen Intel introduced its first NUC systems featuring its Compute Element, it said the modular design would decrease the time to market for newer, more powerful small form factor systems. That certainly appears to be the case. Hot on the heels of our NUC 11 Extreme review from a few months back, we have the latest NUC 12 Extreme. At first glance, the NUC 11 and NUC 12 Extreme are nearly indistinguishable from each other. However, this latest little beast – code named Dragon Canyon – is packing a 65W Alder Lake-based 12th Gen Core processor, which should boost performance up quite a bit over the mobile-derived 11th Gen CPU in the previous-gen NUC...
Link: hothardware
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