CORSAIR HS60 HAPTIC Stereo Gaming Headset with Haptic Bass Review
Posted on 2022-03-05 09:19:29 by Thomas De MaesschalckSince there weren’t a lot of options to configure in software, we went straight ahead and ran some games in order to see the tactile feedback of the HS60 HAPTIC. Right after getting into some battles while running Lost Ark, we were impressed by the immersion this headset can offer, without exaggerating on the vibration, even when turned to the max! We haven’t observed any vibration delays when low frequencies were implied, such as explosions, spells and so on. Gaming is not the only multimedia content you will enjoy the vibration: in YouTube clips with music or other content which is more bass-oriented, the vibration element really makes you feel you do have a large subwoofer nearby, without actually disturbing your neighbors.
Link: Madshrimps
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