Shuttle XPC slim Barebone DS20U5 Review
Posted on 2022-03-21 19:21:25 by Thomas De MaesschalckThe DS20U5 barebone from Shuttle does deliver impressive performance for a total package power of about 19W thanks to the Intel Core i5-10210U quad-core SoC with HyperThreading. While the peak core speeds go to around 3.9 Ghz when encountering small workloads, during high workloads it may drop down to 1.4Ghz, while still maintaining a good performance all-around. Considering that we are talking about a fan-less design, we found the maximum temperature of the SoC (59 degrees Celsius) as being excellent, with a distance to TjMAX of 59 degrees Celsius in this case.
Link: Madshrimps
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