Motorola PEBL V6 Review

Posted on 2005-06-17 17:06:39 by LSDsmurf

About a year ago Motorola formulated a new strategy specifying that not only phones with certain functionality but devices acting as fashion accessories and being copies of typical models should be present in the product line. Unlike the others, the company decided that making fashion devices must not be to the prejudice of basic functionality like it happened in the Xelibri line by Siemens. The Motorola v80 was one of the first products under the new concept. A new approach was applied; a haptics function and a lighting edging were added to a copy of the Motorola v600, also the form-factor attracted. The further development of the idea is seen in the RAZR V3 with metal and extra thin body. The continuation of the designer product line is the Motorola PEBL V6. Taking an opportunity I'd like to stress again the abbreviations take priority of the index, the last is optional and is used not on all the markets.

Link: Mobile Review

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