Hiper HPU-4B580 Modular PSU Review

Posted on 2005-08-30 22:57:06 by LSDsmurf

What is the most popular trend in power supplies right now? It has to be modular supplies, the ability to pick and chose which cable or cables you wish to attach to your power supply to power whichever peripheral you decide without the clutter of excess wires hanging inside your case. Over the last two months we have reviewed 9 different modular power supplies and we have seen some good ones and some not so good but I can honestly say we have never seen one like the HPU 4B580 from Hiper.

I could spoil this for you but instead you will have to read the review to see why it is so much different from the rest..

Link: Hitechreviews

Hiper HPU-4B580 Modular PSU

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