Sanyo M1 Cell Phone Review
Posted on 2007-04-04 10:08:46 by Thomas De MaesschalckSanyo's M1 (available from Sprint for $199.99 USD with the usual rebates and contract restrictions) is a superior cell phone. It's light, it's relatively compact, it delivers plenty of volume for voice and ring tones, and it gets great reception. Its 2 MP camera takes surprisingly blur-free pictures, and it has a bright LCD screen that displays the numbers you're calling in such a large font that even the thickest Coke-bottle glasses wearer will be able to see. There's just one problem: Sanyo has ballyhooed the M1 as "The Music Phone with More." Unfortunately, the “more” in this case is more bad, as in a bad music software application. It’s sort of like a cheese shop that only sells green cheddar.
Link: Digitaltrends
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