nMedia MCESKB 2.4GHz Slim Trackball Keyboard Review

Posted on 2007-04-10 11:52:08 by Thomas De Maesschalck

nMedia System has delivered with the MCESKB second generation wireless keyboard by using the 2.4GHz Radio Frequency (RF) wireless signal to improve the mobility of the new HTPC keyboard. Do not ignore the importance of this RF Wireless Keyboard in any HTPC or Media Center PC system building because it is actually critical for functionality. There is great convenience in controlling an HTPC from the comfort of the couch. Sure, remotes will help browse the menu, but an RF keyboard is a must-have device in terms of data input or computing. The 2.4GHz RF signal will enable your keyboard to communicate at any angle without difficulty.

Link: BenchMarkReviews

nMedia MCESKB 2.4GHz Slim Trackball Keyboard

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