MSI and BFG 8600 GTS Review

Posted on 2007-04-17 18:31:06 by Thomas De Maesschalck

The product(s) that Nvidia and its partners are launching today is designed to bring DirectX 10 features to the mainstream market, in addition to this – this range introduce some quite astounding new video features which are not present on even the top end 8800 series. Top all this with an updated driver which features over 400 bug fixes since the 98 series driver and we have an interesting review ahead of us. So, furnished with overclocked edition GTS cards from MSI and BFG (with more coming this week from other makers) let’s see if the 8600 can deliver the goods. Not only this but we delve into video acceleration with bluray and HD-DVD media.

Link: DriverHeaven

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