Sunbeamtech Quarterback Mid Tower Review
Posted on 2008-08-07 19:09:12 by Thomas De MaesschalckI do a lot of case reviews as the junior reviewer at Pro-Clockers. It doesn't bother me, because I've got a case fetish of sorts. In its own twisted way it works out fine for everyone involved. Over the years, I've owned big cases, small cases, weird cases and modded cases. To be honest, I change cases more than some men change shirts. The last few years, I settled in with the Antec Sonata II. It's a great case and did what I needed it to do. However, I changed it for the Aerocool AE Plus last month. Always a sucker for big fans, the Aerocool drew me in. After trying out the Sunbeamtech Quarterback, I switched again. My main rig is now happily housed in the slightly odd, yet highly functional Quarterback. Read on to see why I changed cases.
Link: Pro Clockers
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