Code of Honor 2: Conspiracy Island for PC Review

Posted on 2008-08-14 14:08:04 by Thomas De Maesschalck

The real problem with Code of Honor 2 isn’t the bad graphics, though those are the first thing anyone will notice. Poor graphics we can cope with.

Not every game has to have huge polygon counts and Procedurally Generated Dynamic Mega-texture-awesomeness – but good games do have to have something. They have to have a hook that can draw people in and make them want to play more. Code of Honor 2 doesn’t have that.

Utterly boring and bland and far too easy in the singleplayer game, a quarter-baked and shallow experience on the multiplayer side, Code of Honor doesn’t really do anything right and is doomed to soon reside in the bargain bin.

Link: Bit Tech

Code of Honor 2: Conspiracy Island for PC

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