Gigabyte GA-MA790GP-DS4H Review
Posted on 2008-08-26 13:14:16 by Thomas De MaesschalckEssentially, the 790GX will fill the midrange gap where the 790X failed to gain ground - it'll offer more features and better overclocking from the new SB750 southbridge, but depending on what price the few 790FX and SB750 boards arrive at it or whether ATI pulls its finger out in Hybrid Power, it will be make or break as to whether the 790GX is ever appealing or not. There's just no point to expensive Hybrid CrossFire.
This undoubtedly affects the Gigabyte GA-MA790GP-DS4H. It's a board with some compatibility issues and even if the features are solid and at least what we'd expect, it has a decent general performance, fantastic IGP performance but basically fails in reliability. In some respects it's one of the best featured (in terms of SATA and overclocking) CrossFire board you'll find today, however given the problems we would recommend looking around to see what else is on offer.
Link: Bit Tech
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