XGI/Club3d Volari Duo V8 256MB Review

Posted on 2004-01-23 22:42:03 by LSDsmurf

This was the first piece of hardware I have received from a company that I have had to consider if it is even reviewable. There were times when I was very close to taking the card out of the system and just sending it back however based on the lack of information/reviews on the internet regarding the performance and issues the card has I persevered. Hardware reviewing is generally quite interesting and on a lot of occasions more than a little fun. The Volari took all of the enjoyment out of using the test system and I fear that by the time there are some decent drivers which make the card useable we will already be looking at NV40/ R420 and XGI will have missed the boat. I only hope that their next generation part has drivers that do it justice or ATI and Nvidia will have nothing to worry about. There is however no indication that driver improvements will be fast in arriving…all of the issues we experienced with games in Reactor 1.0 were still present in 1.01.51…

Link: Driverheaven

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