Sapphire Radeon HD 6950 FleX Edition 2GB Graphics Card Review
Posted on 2011-10-06 18:20:30 by Thomas De MaesschalckGraphics cards are a funny thing, because we end up with AMD and Nvidia constantly competing and releasing new models of GPU's left right and centre and then suddenly we see nothing. The only products that end up being released are revamped versions of older cards, but that's not to say they aren't any good, as that couldn't be further from the truth.
This is where Sapphire enter the game as they are always keen on promoting their product ranges which are specific to different consumers and aimed at suitable markets. The FleX range of cards are aimed at users wanting the very best, for the very best price and with multiple screen configurations in mind. Now when we say multiple screen configurations, we're well aware that AMD have that sown up with Eyefinity, but Sapphire have harnessed that technology and tweaked it slightly to offer a five screen setup using this one card and more importantly, without the need for expensive DisplayPort monitors that can cost an absolute fortune; especially when buying five of them.
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