Lian Li PC-Z60 Computer Case Review
Posted on 2011-10-14 20:47:56 by Thomas De MaesschalckThere was once this saying, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, and the rest was made in China". About ten years ago, when I was still in elementary school and did not know any better, I was at my friend's house, who was showing off his latest custom built machine. His computer system certainly carried the performance and the price -- spending nearly $3000 in total, it was a lot of money, even by today's standards. However, I have always wondered why he cheapened out on the case that boldly said "Lian Li" across the front. You know, Lian Li sounded like some ripoff brand from China, so why would anyone spend so much money on a computer only to put it all into a cheap knockoff chassis? However, as time moved on, I sooner or later realized Lian Li is not what I think they are. For one thing, they manufacture all their cases in Taiwan (So to respond to the quote in the opening of this paragraph, while God created the heavens and the earth in the beginning, not everything was actually made in China). Secondly, they are one of the most renowned chassis manufacturers in the world, specializing in exquisite all aluminum cases every true computer enthusiast desires. About two years ago, I have reviewed the Lian Li PC-Q07 mini-ITX computer case. The PC-Q07 has a beautiful clean design and brilliant quality one would expect from Lian Li. Fast forward to today, we have yet another Lian Li case here at APH Networks for testing. With the latest Diamond series PC-Z60 ATX mid-tower sitting next to me right now, does it hold true to Lian Li's long tradition of excellence? Read on to find out!
Link: APH Networks
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