Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (1977) Blu-ray Movie Review
Posted on 2011-10-16 12:11:52 by Thomas De MaesschalckI'm really not sure how to begin a review for one of the greatest films of the 20th Century. I mean where do you start? We all know the story, besides; many more talented writers have written entire theses on the film. What more can I really contribute in a mere couple of hundred words?
The first film to be released in the six part Star Wars saga is the classic - the one that started it all and made the world fall in love with the worlds that George Lucas put on the screen. It's not the strongest film in the series (that honour goes to The Empire Strikes Back, but naturally without this film, that would not exist. Indeed, without A New Hope the entire sci-fi genre would have a significant part missing. Not that we'd know it, of course.
Link: Tweaktown
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