Thermaltake Level 10 GT Snow Edition Chassis Review
Posted on 2011-10-24 03:06:03 by Thomas De MaesschalckThere is vast selection of cases which tend to the needs of the average user, gamer and enthusiast. Looking at the sub £150 market, we can see well over 25 cases that are worthy of recommendation at a specific price point for a specific user's needs. While these cases are excellent in their own respect, what happens when an extreme enthusiast wants the very best that money can buy? Maybe Thermaltake can answer that question.
The Level 10 series have always been at the pinnacle of Thermaltake’s case line-up with the original Level 10 holding the $799.99 top spot. Thermaltake realised the somewhat restrained interest in such an expensive case though and decided to offer a more ‘affordable’ version which managed to keep the up-market feel and premier design; the Level 10 GT. Coming hot off the back of numerous awards including our own eTeknix gold, the Level 10 GT sees a new sibling, the Level 10 GT Snow Edition.
Link: eTeknix
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