EA Battlefield 3 – Our Preview and Why It Makes PC Gaming Awesome Again Review
Posted on 2011-10-24 17:53:11 by Thomas De MaesschalckThere’s a war on the horizon, and the battle is only just beginning. On October 25th Battlefield 3 hits the shelves (or your Origin app, if you’ve adopted EA’s new Steam rival) and exactly two weeks later so does the latest instalment in the Call of Duty series. Take one look at the release trailer videos for either Battlefield 3 or Modern Warfare 3 and you’ll see that the fight is being taken to the streets- or perhaps just YouTube comments – because fanboys on each side are declaring the winner already. Lucky for you we’re here to show you why Battlefield 3 means so much for PC gamers and why it’s the title of choice this fall.
Link: Futurelooks
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