Intel Core i7 2700k Flagship Showdown Review
Posted on 2011-10-28 01:25:00 by Thomas De MaesschalckWe've known for a little while now, that Intel had something up their sleeves with regards to Sandybridge and now that the cat is out of the bag, we can shout out that it's the i7 2700k. Taking over as the Sandy Bridge flagship processor is quite vital information to us as we will now be using it for all of our Sandy Bridge based tests, and we can tell you now; that's a lot.
The i7 2700k isn't anything too spectacular as simply put, it's a cherry picked 2600k with 100MHz extra speed, which reminds us very much of what AMD did with the Phenom II range of processors, periodically releasing processors with 100MHz faster clock speeds, and a slight bump in price. Why Intel have decided to go down this route is anyone's guess, but for us, we simply believe it's to keep that firm step on bulldozer, by giving it no chance to breathe.
Link: eTeknix
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