Thermaltake Dr. Power II Power Supply Tester Review
Posted on 2011-10-31 13:31:23 by Thomas De MaesschalckSince the ancient of days, the race of men craved for many desirable objects, ideas, and ultimately, the power and rule over many aspects of the world. This included people such as Julius Caesar, who was a very famous general playing a critical role in the Roman Empire. In the past century, nations have fought because of clashing ideas and world domination, as seen between the Axis and Allied countries during the Second World War. In the famous trilogy The Lord of the Rings, "Nine rings were gifted to the race of men -- who above all else, desire power." Inevitably, only time will tell which side will emerge victorious, while the other side must suffer the consequences of losing. The life cycle must always begin at some point, and ends somewhere down the road. In the world of technology, the concept of functional hardware and hardware failure applies, and the circle of life is of no exception. Take power supplies, for example. What will happen to them when you let them run 24/7 for ten years straight? That's a whopping total of almost 88,000 hours. That it is pretty close to the MTBF of your average PSU; not saying that PSUs will die at exactly 100,000 hours or anything, but hey -- everything has a limited life. Or maybe you just happen to have a spare sitting in the storage room in which you decided to power up again. Running a quick little test on it may save you quite a bit of time rather than plugging everything in and finding out it doesn't work (And what doesn't work). Well, you are just in luck. Thermaltake has now redefined their new power supply tester. For starters, let's just say it looks like a big step up in terms of looks from the 'compass' original Dr. Power into the 'GPS' Dr. Power II we are reviewing today. Keep reading to find out more!
Link: APH Networks
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