NZXT HAVIK-120 Review
Posted on 2012-04-04 12:43:39 by Thomas De MaesschalckWe all saw what a stellar cooler the NZXT 140 was when Tom tested it back in December last year. It's now time to see what the 120 model can do. Sporting 4 x 8mm heat pipes and twin 120mm fans, the pedigree inherent in it's bigger brother should hopefully see it match if not better similar specked 120mm fan units. Aesthetically with its Black and white finish it should also fit in well with the colour schemes of a great many of the new monochromatic cases hitting the market at present. But the proof of the pudding is in the eating as they say so lets have a look at the full specs and then see what it can do.
Link: Overclock3D
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