Asus Z9PE-D8 WS Dual Socket Workstation Motherboard Review
Posted on 2012-04-04 13:02:29 by Thomas De MaesschalckAt the heart of any computer system as we all know lies a motherboard, whether it be your laptop, home desktop, workstation or server. Depending on what the systems main role is (ie whether it be a desktop or server) there is a great effect on the type of motherboard that is installed inside.
To most consumers and the majority of the market, the focus is on the traditional board that we know of with its single CPU socket and memory banks to go with. In the industry sector and enterprise markets however, a single socket board just doesn’t cut it and naturally we find here boards that can hold multiple CPUs and far more memory than your home system will ever hold. In the design industry speed, as with any trade, is everything and having the ability to render the design of a new car or a component of a plane for example in a quick turn around is vital for keeping the overall project on track with no delays.
Link: eTeknix
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