Biostar TZ77XE4 Z77 Motherboard Preview Review
Posted on 2012-04-06 11:00:33 by Thomas De MaesschalckBiostar aren’t a brand that we hear much from, at least not in the UK, but that’s not to say they aren’t any good, but simply don’t have the resources that other brands have and with a big push for Intel Z77 upon us, they wanted in on a piece of the action. Intel Z77 is the new chipset that is due to come out in April, opening lots of new features including PCI-Express 3.0 and native USB 3.0 support, though the biggest new feature is of course support for the new 3rd generation Intel processors. While Intel won’t confirm, we all know these to be called Ivy Bridge, and will lead to new architecture based upon the already great selling Sandy Bridge CPUs.
Link: eTeknix
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