ASUS P8-Z77V Pro Sandy Bridge Review
Posted on 2012-04-08 15:07:25 by Thomas De MaesschalckThe lesser of the Intel range has had a somewhat rocky period in its short life. We had the P55 LGA1156 based socket for a very short period of time, and that was quickly replaced by the P67 based LGA1155. That itself came with a few niggles which forced a B3 revision rerelease and within a small time scale we had the Z68 chipset which settled things down to a far more reasonable level. Indeed once Intel had got things worked out we really enjoyed some excellent performing motherboards and CPUs, all for a sensible price. Now a year after the Z68 we're girding our loins for the 3rd Generation of Intel Socket 1155 processors and Intel have brought us the Z77 chipset in preparation.
Link: Overclock3D
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