EPSON Stylus SX535WD All-In-One Wi-Fi Printer Review
Posted on 2012-04-09 15:17:49 by Thomas De MaesschalckAlthough my job has allowed me to test and review well over 700 products from both the general electronics industry and of course the computer hardware industry during these last 5 years i can't really say i am an expert in everything related with those two so there are quite a few product categories in the industry which unfortunately i haven't mastered since they haven't really passed through my crosshairs, at least not yet. One such category is printers, scanners, fax machines and of course all-in-one systems which can not only replace everything mentioned prior but will also require much less space on your desk and will probably cost less as well. EPSON is one of the oldest and most recognized manufacturers worldwide and although their product lines are not only limited to printers, fax machines and scanners still todays review is focused on one of their latest all-in-one units, the Stylus SX535WD.
Link: NikKTech
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