USB 3.0 to HDMI & VGA External Video Card Review
Posted on 2012-04-09 18:36:38 by Thomas De MaesschalckWhen you are on the go, sometimes having the multimedia connectivity you want isn't always available to you. When I travel, I like to bring my laptop with me wherever I go and there is nothing better than sitting in a hotel room late at night with my laptop hooked up to their TV watching the movies I bring with me. There has also been plenty of times when I tried to sync three different videos running to three different TV's for a presentation booth. Unfortunately, my work laptop does not have an HDMI port built-in, and I hate traveling with more than one laptop. Luckily, StarTech has a solution that they think can give me the ability to travel light and connect my work laptop to any to type of monitor/TV.
Link: Computing on Demand
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