Lastolite Brolly Grip Kit with Translucent Umbrella Review
Posted on 2012-04-11 13:31:42 by Thomas De MaesschalckComprising a translucent umbrella and grip, the Lastolite Brolly Grip Kit with Translucent Umbrella enables the photographer to shoot through the umbrella with a standard flashgun. This creates a soft, diffused light ideally suited for portraiture, although being a translucent umbrella it can also be used to reflect a little light back into a scene. The grip features sockets for 8mm and 10mm umbrella shafts, as well as a hotshoe for mounting flashguns. Although it's designed to be handheld, it can also be mounted onto a stand via its base, should you wish to set it up and move around.
Link: Techradar
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