Thermaltake Bigwater 760 Plus Review
Posted on 2012-04-17 12:44:53 by Thomas De MaesschalckIn my opinion, the water block included with this kit is the weakest link. I wish I had a nice LGA 1155 block that I could slap in the kit and see the performance difference, but I've been out of the water cooling game for two generations now. Compared to all-in-one units, the pump is much larger, and having a reservoir is a passive way to remove heat from the water. Aside from these limiting factors, I am afraid of the single, 3-pin connector powering the entire unit. I can't say for sure that the power source was the cause, but I did have some strange issues with hang-ups and other problems shortly after beginning the testing for the Bigwater 760 Plus while running it off of the 3-pin connector. After being scared by the 3-pin connector, I found a 3-pin to 4-pin Molex adapter and finished the remainder of the tests with that configuration. I couldn't recreate the issue.
Link: OCC
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