SilenX Effizio EFZ-120HA5 CPU Cooler Review
Posted on 2012-04-18 11:50:11 by Thomas De Maesschalck"It's like the stock market," explains one of my friends. "Sometimes it's up, and sometimes it's down. Sometimes, it even goes into a recession." In life, there are always certain features of various types of goods and products that stand out as what one considers good or bad. But before we decide or even get into our review today, let’s take a quick example to put things into perspective. One time, I walked into a conversation between two friends, in which they were talking about durians. To one of them, from his cultural background, durians are one of the tastiest fruits on the face of this earth. No matter what horrible things other people say about the durian, it is still the best. My other friend, however, detests durians with his life. Now, imagine a hedgehog -- you know, that cute animal with spikes on its back? For whatever reason, I've always associated objects looking like other objects, and the image of a hedgehog looking like a durian somehow pops into my mind. As some may see it, hedgehogs are one of the cutest animals around. Its face and how it puffs its spikes into a ball just makes it adorable. On the flip side, others are disgusted by its spikes, because it pokes whatever that comes near it. Whether you like the hedgehog for its looks or the durian for its tastes is really up to you, but the fact is that both of these objects are pointy and are good at being what they are. When I was asked to do another review on a heatsink -- specifically speaking, the SilenX Effizio EFZ-120HA5 -- many thoughts ran through my head. At first glance, its appearance looks quite decent, but getting down to its cooling ability while living up to its 'SilenX' name is another story. Is it good at being what it is? Read on to find out!
Link: APH Networks
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