Core i7-3770K vs. AMD FX-8150 and Core i7-2600K CPU Review
Posted on 2012-04-23 19:28:41 by Thomas De MaesschalckLet's take a look at the performance of the first third-generation Core i7 CPU for desktops to be announced, the Core i7-3770K, codenamed "Ivy Bridge."
Here is a snippet: "Ivy Bridge is the codename for the third generation of Core i3, Core i5, and Core i7 processors from Intel, manufactured using the new 22 nm process. For the desktop market, five CPUs are being announced today: the Core i7-3370K, the Core i7-3370, the Core i5-3570K, the Core i5-3550, and the Core i5-3450. Let's take a look at the Core i7-3370K and compare it to its main competitor, the AMD FX-8150, and also with a second-generation Core i7 ("Sandy Bridge"), the Core i7-2600K."
Link: Hardwaresecrets
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