SilenX Effizio EFZ-80HA3 CPU Cooler Review
Posted on 2012-04-24 10:30:05 by Thomas De MaesschalckConfucius once said, "Silence is the true friend that never betrays." For those enthusiasts that crave silence and noise reduction in their rigs, this quote pretty much hits home. Hardware is not just about performance nowadays. Of course, there are those that spend countless thousands of dollars to achieve pure performance, but inevitably end up with a turbo engine in their home. We humble reviewers at APH Networks, however, tend to balance our performance and sound. Why? You might ask. Well, why not? With technology developing at such a fast rate, performance in hardware is painless to achieve (So long you're willing to spend the money). Silence, however, is unfortunately something much, much more arduous to attain. Recently, a hefty number of products came through our office from a renowned brand by the name of SilenX. And, as the name suggests, it is a manufacturer that focuses on quiet components.
Link: APH Networks
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