GTX680 Quad SLI vs HD7970 Quad CrossfireX Review
Posted on 2012-04-25 08:56:25 by Thomas De MaesschalckLike most enthusiasts, especially those that either bench or game at the high end, what we all want to know is 'who is best'? In years gone by it was a simple affair of pitching one card against another however with multiple GPU setups now common place there is more to evaluating a graphics cards performance. No longer is it mano-a-mano, 1 vs. 1 because to truly examine the performance of a high end graphics card you also have to look at how it performs when in tandem with another. SLI and CrossfireX are critically important when faced with the decision of what to buy because it's all very well buying the fastest single card, if it scales poorly in multi-GPU configuration you could be disappointed if you wish to expand on your GPU setup.
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