Kingston HyperX T1 2800MHz DDR3 Memory on Ivy Bridge Review
Posted on 2012-04-30 18:58:45 by Thomas De MaesschalckKingston Technology is getting ready to release new HyperX dual-channel memory kits that have been engineered especially for the new Intel third-generation Core i7 and i5 processors (Ivy Bridge). These new kits range in speed from 1600MHz to 2800MHz and we got our hands on a 2800MHz kit a little early to give you a look at what to expect next month. Read on to see how our Intel Core i7-3770K Ivy Bridge CPU and Gigabyte Z77X-UD5H motherboard perform with some HyperX memory!
Quote: "The Kingston Hyper T1 4GB 2800MHz memory kit that we looked at here today did a superb job on our motherboard that features the Intel Z77 Express chipset and the Intel Core i7-3770K Ivy Bridge processor. We ran this kit from 800MHZ with CL6 timings all they way up to 2800MHz with CL12 timings. It is pretty wild to see a 2000MHz spread with a memory kit, but this kit was up for the task..."
Link: Legit Reviews
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