AMD Radeon R7 260X Versus NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti Boost Review
Posted on 2013-10-09 09:43:10 by Thomas De MaesschalckOf all the R7 and R9 series cards that were released today, the AMD Radeon R7 260X is the most intriguing for a variety of reasons. This card is essentially a re-brand of the AMD Radeon HD 7790 with some unlocked goodies that were previously unknown. For example the Bonaire XT GPU used on the AMD Radeon HD 7790 was the first GPU to feature AMD TrueAudio and advanced CrossFire technologies. Read on to find out more and to see if the AMD Radeon R7 260X is faster than the GeForce GTX 650 TI BOOST!
Link: Legit Reviews
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