Cooler Master CM Storm Mech Aluminum Keyboard Review
Posted on 2013-10-09 22:39:16 by Thomas De MaesschalckRemember last week we took a look at the gorgeous Pulse-R Aluminum headset from CM Storm? And how we promised to follow it up again with another review from the same aluminium loving range of peripherals? Well here we are, delivering on that promise and we kick things off today with the CM Storm Mech mechanical keyboard. Aluminium is the cool, of course aluminium has always been cool when it comes to designing PC components and peripherals, but it's taken a brand like Cooler Master to realise that fact and bring something to market. Not content with just a single product, CM Storm have released a whole set of aluminium products, first we have the Pulse-R gaming headset that we reviewed last week, today we have the Mech keyboard and next week we will be looking at the Reaper mouse. While the three products are not sold as a set, they are designed to look great together.
Link: eTeknix
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