GIGABYTE Radeon R9 280X WindForce 3X OC Graphics Card Review
Posted on 2013-10-10 09:35:01 by Thomas De Maesschalck"Two days ago AMD allowed us to review, in a limited capacity, their new R9 280X. Today the review restrictions are released so we can now compare different versions of the card and that starts with Gigabytes R9 280X Windforce 3X model in its factory overclocked form. We will be comparing it to the two closest NVIDIA models (pricing wise) in the form of the GTX 760 and 770 (both OC models) as well as the part the 280X replaces, the 7970 GHZ. Added in is another 280X OC model and we are testing on the latest i7-4960X CPU, Windows 8.1 and games such as Battlefield 4, F1 2013 and Total War: Rome 2. "
Link: HardwareHeaven
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