Corsair Obsidian 750D Case: Well Built For Water Cooling Review
Posted on 2013-10-11 20:22:48 by Thomas De MaesschalckOver the past few years, Corsair has steadily ramped up the number and types of computer chassis it manufacturers. The high-end 700D and 800D have been followed by a number of midrange products and one uber-expensive deluxe model, the massive 900D. The case we're reviewing today, the 750D, is meant to drop into the $200 price bracket, where it faces competition from Corsair's own 650D mid-tower as well as a number of other chassis from manufacturers that offer products at similar or somewhat cheaper price points. Despite the name, the 750D is actually somewhat smaller than the original 700D/800D family. Those chassis were 24 inches long, 24 inches tall, and 9 inches wide, while the 750D is 21.5 inches long, 22.1 inches tall, and 9.3 inches wide...
Link: HotHardware
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