XSPC Raystorm 750 EX280 WaterCooling Kit Review
Posted on 2013-10-14 10:14:06 by Thomas De MaesschalckDescription: When you're testing PC hardware and electronics like we do there's really nothing better than to get in your test room (or lab as some like to call it) and see that the current ambient temperature is at around 23-25 degrees Celsius if not less. This is also part of the reason as to why i really enjoy and prefer the winter season over the summer one although i know most people feel the exact opposite. Still although winter is almost here that may not be enough to help keep your system cool and so since quite a few of you have requested it we will do our best to bring reviews of some of the most popular custom watercooling kits (aka loops) in the market aimed towards professionals, overclockers, serious gamers and enthusiasts. One such watercooling kit is the latest Raystorm 750 EX280 by XSPC and after almost 3 weeks of serious testing it's finally showing its true colors.
Link: NikKTech
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