Madshrimps @ Firstlook 2013 Review
Posted on 2013-10-14 11:33:21 by Thomas De MaesschalckFirstlook is one of the largest gaming shows in the Benelux. It is a pur sang trade show for the game publishers. Already in its 6th edition and the amount of visitors is each year steadily growing. This in contradiction to other game events alike E3 and co which are attracting less and less visitors. Two days of complete mayhem for the gaming community are awaiting you, plus a prefixed maximum visitor number enables the gamers to test out and see the eagerly awaited new gaming titles for the last quarter of the year, this without having to stand in the queue for hours. A good concept which has been proven successful year after year. The hardware vendors also take full benefit of this occasion to show off their product range to the gaming crowd. ASUS NL always has a great booth at the Firstlook trade show and a little show by two nutty overclockers always attracts a crowd. Time to head off to the Jaarbeurshallen in lovely Utrecht.
Link: Madshrimps
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