MSI R9 270X Hawk Review
Posted on 2013-10-15 09:03:47 by Thomas De MaesschalckQuote: ”I have to say that MSI put together a pretty decent package with the R9 270X Hawk, which lived up to expectations for the most part. At stock speeds, the R9 270X Hawk is just faster than the HD 7870 and is easily faster than the GTX 660 in every test run. It even gives the GTX 760 a run for its money in some of the tests. That alone earns the price point of $219 for the R9 270X Hawk. Adding to the performance is easy by overclocking the card with all the built-in features. However, one key piece was not ready in time for launch and that is a version of MSI's Afterburner software that supports the triple voltage control feature that should let this card really fly. Even without any voltage tweaking, the card was capable of running at over 1200MHz on the core and over 1600MHz on the GDDR5 memory, giving the user a boost of 100MHz on the core and 200MHz on the memory without using voltage tuning.”
Link: OCC
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