MyDigitalSSD 128GB mSATA SuperCache 2 Caching SSD Review
Posted on 2013-10-23 18:02:16 by Thomas De MaesschalckToday’s review is of MyDigitalSSD’s SuperCache 2 mSATA 128GB SSD, and the FNet HybriDisk caching software. A license key for the HybriDisk software is included with the purchase of the SuperCache 2. How does a caching SSD work? It works in conjunction with a hard drive disk (HDD) to create what the operating system sees as a single, combined storage partition. A caching SSD utilizes specialized software to determine what programs, data, and/or files that the user accesses most frequently. This “hot” data will be held in a dedicated “caching” partition on the SSD for much quicker access when called for. Less frequently requested data will still reside on the HDD, until such time as it becomes frequently accessed enough to be moved to the SSD cache. What is stored on the SSD cache is dynamic, and changes over time based on actual usage.
Link: The SSD Review
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