AMD RADEON R9 290X Review
Posted on 2013-10-24 09:53:09 by Thomas De MaesschalckThe wait is finally over. The R9 290X is finally here. After a somewhat disjointed media frenzy we can today reveal everything you wanted to know about AMD's latest flagship graphics card. Fuelled by enthusiast speculation, there have been numerous details 'leaked' to the public from some very dubious origins. Rumours ranged from TITAN Killer performance for less than the price of a GTX780 to a total flop of epic proportions. Sifting through the wheat we can say, after thoroughly testing this graphics card that some of the rumours were correct (to a certain extent, and others were wildly inaccurate. The question everyone wants to know is can it beat a GTX TITAN and lay claim to being the new performance king? Yes and no. Yes it does better the NVIDIA GTX Titan in certain scenarios but not in others.
Link: Vortez
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