Cooler Master HAF Stacker Mod-Tower Case Review
Posted on 2013-10-29 10:40:54 by Thomas De MaesschalckToday we deliver our review of the Cooler Master HAF Stacker 945, which in reality is three different cases all (you guessed it) stacked together vertically. The whole setup actually consists of the mid-tower HAF Stacker 925, plus two slightly different HAF Stacker 915 mITX cases. Put them all together and you get the HAF Stacker 945, or just take the 925 and one 915 to make the HAF Stacker 935... phew! Cooler Master is banking on enthusiasts getting creative with how they will install their hardware components into up to three separate cases that can combined into one "mod tower" case. We test how effective (and practical) such a solution can be. Is it more than the sum of its parts?
Link: Neoseeker
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