Deck 108 Hassium Pro Mechanical Keyboard Review
Posted on 2014-07-05 20:49:49 by Thomas De MaesschalckDescription: As far back as i can remember I’ve always used regular sized 101-109 key keyboards not because that was my preference but because there wasn't anything else in the market to choose from. As a matter of fact it's only been a while since we've seen quite a few manufacturers offer keyboards that either lack the numeric keypad, are modular and thus can be arranged according to what the user thinks is best for him or have the keys placed differently. A few weeks ago with us we had the latest mechanical keyboard from Deck Keyboards called the 87 Francium Pro which is basically a somewhat compact keyboard due to the fact that it lacks the numeric keyboard entirely and thus only offers 87 keys. Deck however didn't forget all of you who are used to using regular sized keyboards and so they also released the brand new 1080 Hassium Pro a full-size mechanical gaming keyboard with a total of 108 keys.
Link: NikKTech
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