Silicon Power Slim S55 240GB SSD Review

Posted on 2014-07-13 20:39:26 by Thomas De Maesschalck

Description: Who would had thought even just 5 years ago that a few years later one could just walk inside an electronics store and pick an SSD (Solid State Drive) out of a whole section filled with models from virtually every single storage media manufacturer out there? Well i always thought it would be just a matter of time but i have to admit that i never really expected to see SSD models get released even by companies which appeared out of nowhere and without any previous products in the market. That being said the competition with the leading manufacturers that hold the largest percentage of the SSD market as we speak is always a good thing since it helps keep product quality at good levels while it also helps control prices so i can't say i mind. Today on our test bench we have one of the most recent SSD models to hit the market the Slim S55 240GB by our close friends over at Silicon Power.

Link: NikKTech

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