TDK A12 TREK Micro Wireless Speaker Review
Posted on 2014-07-23 09:45:58 by Thomas De MaesschalckDescription: One of the things i love about Greece and Attica in particular is that we hundreds of thousands of visitors each year and thanks to some of them i always seem to come in contact with electronic devices which i may have missed otherwise. So a few nights back while i was walking at the beach (trying to cool down after spending several hours performing tests on HDDs and SSDs) a guy ran past me carrying a large backpack on which he had a tiny portable wireless speaker secured with the help of a carabiner. That speaker offered very little in terms of volume and audio quality but i did like it’s very tiny size (and in part the carabiner feature) and so i was quite glad to receive an email by TDK a couple of days later asking me if I’d like to test their latest A12 TREK Micro Wireless Speaker which aside the tiny size it also shares one more similarity with that speaker, it makes use of a carabiner.
Link: NikKTech
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