BitFenix Neos Mid-Tower Chassis Review
Posted on 2014-07-24 16:29:46 by Thomas De MaesschalckBitFenix are one of the coolest names around when it comes to PC cases, their Prodigy, Phenom and Colossus have already proven a smash hit with the gaming community, but they’ve all got one slight problem in common – they’re all a little on the expensive side for your average consumer. BitFenix clearly don’t want to alienate the largest part of the market and their new Neos mid-tower represents what BitFenix can do for those on a tighter budget, without sacrificing the style and feature sets we’ve come to expect from such an established brand. Priced at just £30 (plus shipping if you’re ordering online) the Neos is certainly wallet friendly, but just how much you’re going to get back for your money remains to be seen. There are already a few very competitive chassis on the market at this price range from Cooler Master, Cougar, Antec, even a few older NZXT ones that aren’t too bad either, so I’m eager to see how a budget model from BitFenix compares to the rest of the market, and more importantly what they’ve done to make their product stand out from the crowd, as there are often very few differences in terms of specifications at this price range.
Link: eTeknix
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