Kingston SSDNow V310 960GB SSD Upgrade Kit Review
Posted on 2014-07-26 23:07:14 by Thomas De MaesschalckThe continuous price free fall in the SSD market (due to increased competition and smaller manufacturing processes) has allowed manufacturers not only to forge new alliances and improve existing ones with NAND Flash controller manufacturers but also to finally release their very own high capacity models. Of course the price/capacity ratio crown is still held by regular HDDs and that's not going to change any time soon but nowadays you can purchase an 1TB SSD for less than $0.8 per GB which is quite a leap compared to just 4 years ago when you had to spend over three times as much. The best thing about that however is that PCIex SSD prices have also taken a dive so i expect such models to become quite popular even amongst regular consumers and gamers in the near future. Now as some of you know three days ago Kingston announced the availability of the latest addition in their SSDNow line the high capacity V310 960GB SSD model which features the 3108 NAND flash controller by PHISON and as expected we are amongst the very first people to actually take it for a ride.
Link: NikKTech
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