NZXT Kraken X31 Review
Posted on 2014-07-30 09:22:21 by Thomas De Maesschalck"NZXT gives you a six-year warranty, great performance, great build quality, and the flexibility to be used as a GPU cooler with the G10 kit from NZXT (sold separately). For the $79.99 price tag, I think you get a lot of bang-for-the-buck. You get an All-in-One liquid cooler that can handle the heat of overclocking and, being an AIO, you get the space savings of a small, compact pump and remote mount radiator. No problems getting to your RAM or fan headers with this cooler. Easy installation, convenient software control, and top-notch performance all add up to great value. If you are looking for a knock-out cooler, then the Kraken X31 should be on your list.”
Link: OCC
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